
Kartoon Klassroom

Book your place


Kartoon Klassroom

kartoon, klassroom

Come on and join us for our ‘kracking’ kartoon klassrooms, every Sunday morning 10:15-10:45 online via Zoom, only £1. For all you budding illustrators and cartoonists, whatever your age! just fill out the booking form to receive the meeting id. You can also book a Kartoon Klassroom for lessons at school, parties or events. We will provide all the equipment for up to 15 kracking Kartoon students. For more information please contact us.

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Here's what our customers have said:

We are loving your art classes, our daughter is so impressed with herself. Before you, she really struggled starting with ideas and finishing/timing. She can now draw & colour within 30 mins and wants to build herself a portfolio of her finished drawings.

 Thanks again for hosting the art classes. We will a see you tomorrow for the lesson!






kartoon klassroom